The desire of overcome the traditional weighing technology, creating the most advanced weighing systems, accurate and durable of the marketplace, it is what moves the whole CELMI company.
Cost Benefit
Desired Perfomances
Effective Solutions
Outstanding in the
industrial and agro-industrial sector
Research and Laboratory Development
Celmi´s Research and Development Laboratory is equiped with the most modern instruments to carry out all the necessary tests on the various electronic and mechanical components, in order to Always guarantee the quality of the products, in accordance with current standards in terms of electronic compatibiliy, eletromagnetic, eletronic security and legal metrology.

Process Systematization

Surveys that Generate Results

Celmi has specialized engineers and technicians, to offer fast, differentiated and quality service.
Celmi in Brazil
Service throughout the national territory. Celmi offers weighing solutions across the country.
Celmi around the World
Our products are sold in several countries, including: Argentina, United States, Paraguay, Bolivia, Uruguay, Colombia, Chile, Portugal and England.