Food Industry

Scale for Dosing and Filling Liquids

CM-3002 DL

The container filling system developed by Celmi provides practicality and precision in dosing liquids. The indicator, through digital inputs/outputs, controls the opening of the valve and allows the liquid to flow until the declared net weight value is obtained. . To provide repeatability of indications, automatic correction is used - the average result of several processes is compared with the preset value and the calculated deviation is eliminated by closing the valve earlier / later in subsequent cycles.

Based on the knowledge about the process duration, the instantaneous flow is calculated. Knowing its value, the indicator calculates the valve opening time needed to fill the container with a product until the pre-established value is obtained.


  • Model: CM-3002-DL;
  • CSP-10 CL Indicator Terminal;
  • Touch screen;
  • I/O board: 06 inputs and 06 outputs;
  • Capacity: Programmable;
  • Division: Programmable;
  • Communication interface: RS-232, 485, Ethernet, Bluetooth;
  • Power: 100 - 240 Vac;
  • Application: Liquid dosing systems, grain and flour dosing, bagging systems, flow systems;

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